Lead Client Care Coordinator and VMC
Nathan as spent more than 20 years in customer service including several years in retail business operations and business services before exploring a career with the United States Postal Service. In 2021, Nathan decided to make the leap and turn his passion for pets and supporting families into his new career. At Rainier Veterinary Hospital, Nathan has flourished as our client care coordinator.
“I fondly recalled my early years where I spent time as a pet training instructor,” shared Nathan. “These were some of the most gratifying days of my life. Now, working in veterinary medicine, I can use my skills to help people and their pets. That is so rewarding.”
Continued Nathan, “It goes without saying that I love animals. I have a passion for pets and I see how they benefit from their families and, in turn, their families benefit from them. In short, pets bring joy.”
St. Clair Community College, Port Huron, Michigan
Polytech High School, Woodside, Delaware
Volunteer Experience
Nathan continues to be actively involved with SEA-PAH, where he is an original founder and board president. He also stays involved with a handful of local charities, including Lambert House, Seattle Humane Society, Wolf Haven International, and the Rainier Animal Fund.
Home Life
Nathan shares his home with his life partner as well as Stark, his Pitbull/Shar Pei mix and Maxx, his red-nosed Pitbull. Together, they enjoy much of what the Northwest has to offer including hiking, dune buggy driving and taking in a host of charity functions. You will easily find Nathan checking out the latest auctions in support of his beloved charities.