Cat vomiting is almost never normal. And when mixed with other symptoms like diarrhea, lethargy, or a decreased appetite, it could be the sign of a serious problem. Dr. Cassidy explains the potential reasons for cat vomiting and the steps we’ll take to get to the source.
Bond, our December Dog of the Month, lives up to his namesake, James Bond. This Great Pyrenees has a debonair personality, golden eyes, persevering fight, and protective spirit.
Meet our December Cat of the Month, Sophie Ann. This 11-year-old softy is not letting inflammatory bowel disease or a thyroid condition slow her down.
Meet Luna (aka Luna-tuna), a 6-year-old lover of cuddles, tuna, and his adopted human. Luna has very few teeth left, but that’s okay—he’d choose love and affection over food any day.
Our November Dog of the Month, Lola, is just about six months old, and she’s already had major surgery. She’s a fighter and has the spirit of the wolf, even though she’s just 6 pounds.
Although it’s pretty natural to be anxious at the doctor’s office, pet anxiety at home can be difficult for our furry friends as well as us. Thanks to a handful of natural and medicinal options, we can help to address and treat the issue.
Our October Dog of the Month, Patronus, is a 3-year-old English Mastiff who loves string cheese, her family, and little kids—in that order. Note: Fetching was not on the list.
Say hello to sweet Joey, a 4-month-old kitten who used to be feral, but now lovingly gives Eskimo kisses, tons of cuddles, and lots of quality time with her sister.
Before we know it, our furry friends are entering their golden years. In return for all the love they give us, we want to do our best to keep them happy and comfortable as long as we can. So we’ve compiled the five areas to focus on in senior pets.
Cats are known for their fastidious grooming behavior. But when you have a kitty who over-grooms and prevents normal hair growth, it’s most likely a flea, food, or environmental allergy. Dr. Cassidy explains how to identify and treat the issue.