The bond of two brothers is stronger than most, and never is it truer than with Scott and Jeff, our March 2018 Cats of the Month. These handsome boys—who will be turning 1 year old on May 12—came from a litter of six kittens. “Our sister-in-law’s neighbor had kittens, and we visited them when they were only 2 weeks old,” remembers owner Wendy Retacco about that visit with her partner, David Hatteberg. “We fell in love with them! We were looking for two gray boys, and they were just perfect!”
Purrfect indeed! Wendy and David adopted the boys on July 5, 2017, and continued the brotherly bond. “We named the kittens after David’s brothers,” Wendy says, “Their full names are Scott Alan Hatteberg and Jeffrey Todd Hatteberg.” Of course, like most pets, Scott and Jeff have some nicknames—Scott answers to Scotty and Big Boy, and Jeff also goes by Fluffy or just Fluff.
When the kittens were fairly young, their brotherly bond was put to the test. At just 11 weeks old, Wendy and David noticed that Jeff was loafing around one evening, and they could tell that something was wrong.
“We took him to the emergency vet who confirmed that he had a high fever and recommended following up with Rainier Vet in the morning,” Wendy says. “For the next four days, Jeff spent his days at Rainier Vet on IV hydration and his evenings at the emergency room. He was too sick to come home. He had all kinds of tests, including an ultrasound, and everything came back normal. Then all of a sudden, he just started getting better. Scott never had any symptoms, and we don’t know what was wrong, but we were just so glad that he got better!”

Wendy and David weren’t the only ones delighted with Jeff’s recovery. “During those four days, Scott was inconsolable,” Wendy says. “He walked around the house, meowing and looking for Jeff. It was so terrible for him!”
The only other brush with medicine that the boys have had is their neutering surgeries last year, but they recovered fantastically, bouncing back to normal within a day or two. “I can’t believe how much they have grown,” Wendy says. “They are both almost 10 pounds … and growing! But their parents were big cats too, so it’s not supposing.”
And normal for these kitties is feasting on Tiki Cat’s Mackerel & Sardines and crazily playing with their kitty fishing poles that feature rats on the end. “Their favorite realm is the basement,” Wendy says, “where they can tear around like wild horses and play.”

When they’re not playing, these friendly, visitor-adoring cats absolutely love attention—especially neck rubs. “Scott follows us around the house and has to be with us constantly. He also loves water and sitting in the sink,” Wendy says. “Jeff is always seeking out the highest point to sit on, including the hot water heater. He loves watching TV and playing cat games on the iPad.”
Games on the iPad? Wendy and David are not ashamed to admit that they are obsessed with their kitties. “They are big loves,” Wendy says, “and they both sleep on the bed with us at night.” And with all that soft, gray fur and constant purrs and cuddles, we can understand why. We’re obsessed with these sweet kitties too, and we’re so glad to have Scott, Jeff, and the two of you, Wendy and David, as part of our Rainier Vet family.
About Our Cat of the Month Program
Here’s how our Cat of the Month program works: Each staff member provides a nomination for the distinguished honor, and then we vote. The highest vote wins! Any kitty patients who visit us during the prior month are eligible.
indeed.actually you are cat of month.Strong bond between brothers.Happy and healthy cat family forever.