It’s rare when two dogs, a cat, a ferret, a snake, and two humans can all get along, especially in one house, but Lisa and Jaymee McGuire have made it happen! And their two pups, Hatchet and Beefcake, are Rainier Veterinary Hospital’s September Dogs of the Month. Steel Panther (aka Poo) is a Russian Blue kitty who’s our September Cat of the Month—read all about him!
“Somehow, all the critters love each other,” Jaymee says, admitting that there are some favorites. “Hatchet is my favorite, and Poo is a really close second. Beefcake is Lisa’s favorite, and she’s his. Beef is also obsessed with Hatchet, because she basically raised him, and Hatchet loves all living things—literally all things alive.”
Hatchet is an 8.5-year-old Pitbull mix who was found wandering on Rainier Avenue in June 2009 when she was a 5-month-old puppy. “My friend basically manipulated me into taking her, but now I’m really happy about it,” Jaymee says. “I was originally going to call her Hatchet HackSaw and call her Hack for short, but my friend vetoed it. So I decided on Hatchet, which was cute enough for my friend. Her full name is Hatchet Wound, of course.”
Beefcake, a 7.5-year-old Boxer, joined the family in July 2010 from a breeder in Tacoma. “Beef is really high energy,” Jaymee says. “He never stops wiggling and wagging his nubby tail. He’s really sweet and wants to be friends with everyone.”
And Hatch is the exact opposite. “She’s a really lazy girl who likes to roll around in the yard or cuddle in the hammock all day long, with the occasional walk thrown in,” Jaymee says. Recently, Hatchet has developed a passion for fishing. “She gets really excited when the fish are reeled in. I’m pretty sure she’ll catch a fish herself one of these days because she totally hunts them while we’re on the lake.”
Other favorite pastimes of Hatchet include couch cuddles, sunbathing, and playing with Ruger the family ferret. On the other hand, Beefcake loves men, chicken feet, blowing kisses, checking himself out in mirrors, and, Jaymee says, “going to Chuck’s Hop Shop so that people can tell him how much they love him.”
And such a proud pup needed a regal name. “Originally, Lisa named him Jackson, but I thought that was too boring and common for a boxer,” Jaymee says. “He was the fattest little puppy in the litter, and he had markings shaped like an ‘H’ on his head. So I immediately renamed him Beefcake Hornburger III and insisted on calling him that to everyone until it stuck.”
Which it did, although Beefcake happily answers to Beefy, Mr. Cake, Beef Baloney, Broccoli Beef, and Cashew Beef. Hatchet also goes by The Cheat, ChiChi, and Hatchy. “Collectively,” Jaymee says, “all the pets are known as The Butts.”
As strange as this sounds, we love your Butts and are so glad that Hatch, Beef, and Poo are part of the Rainier Vet family!
About Our Dog of the Month Program
How our Dog of the Month program works: Each staff member provides a nomination for the distinguished honor, and then we vote. The highest vote wins! Any pup who visits us during the prior month is eligible.