Rainier Veterinary Hospital, SurgeryOur experienced veterinarians perform many routine and advanced surgical procedures at Rainier Veterinary Hospital. Our team takes every precaution so that your pet receives the highest quality of care. We perform a physical exam and pre-anesthetic testing before surgery, monitor your pet during surgery, and provide appropriate pain medication to keep your pet comfortable during recovery.

If your pet requires a more advanced procedure, we have board-certified specialists that come in as needed for complicated surgeries (mostly bone and joint) as well as for ultrasound procedures and cardiology consultations.


Typical surgical procedures performed at Rainier Veterinary Hospital include:

  • Spaying—prevents female pets from becoming pregnant and reproducing; can help your dog or cat live a longer life; and is protecting her against bacterial infections, reproductive tract diseases, and several types of cancer.
  • Neutering—prevents male pets from reproducing, can help your dog or cat live a healthier life, and reduces his risk for prostate and testicular cancer.
  • Soft-tissue Surgery—procedures not associated with bone, mostly the removal of masses or lumps.

Please contact us or make an appointment to discuss your pet’s health and potential surgical needs.

Rainier Veterinary Hospital requires a non-refundable deposit of $250 for all scheduled surgical procedures.